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Registration, logging in, and logging out:

  • You can search ads without an account, but you will need an account to place ads.
  • If you are trying to login, just click on settings or click place an ad and the login screen will appear. Or click any login button or this: Login
  • To logout, click settings and then click the “Log Out” link.

Contacting a seller:

  • Usually sellers will place their ad with a phone number. However, if that is not the case, use the seller’s “Contact” tab next to the ad to send a private message to the seller (there is no email collection when using the seller contact form). Alternatively, you can check the seller’s profile page to see if that seller placed a phone number in their profile.
  • To check a seller profile, click on the seller’s user name.

 To edit, pause, or delete ads, to edit your profile, or to see your favorite ads:

  • All your super powers and master controls are available in the “Settings” area.
  • You can easily update your ads at any time, including deleting or adding photos, changing categories. It’s totally flexible.
  • Ads can be paused and restarted later and they can be renewed without having to  recreate the ad. This is convenient for ads that are repeating items or services.
  • Expired ads that are no longer needed should be removed.

Adjust Your Profile Information and Settings:

  • This is an important area. You should adjust your profile settings for security reasons and to increase your advertising effectiveness. See the dedicated Profile Settings support page.

Note: For answers to additional questions not answered here, please contact support using the contact page.